Thursday, September 29, 2011

I've lost 25 pounds!!!!

WOW! To hear myself say this for the first time in my life amazes me. I have been on so many diets since the birth of my 17 yr old I could make a persons head spin. Each have been positive but the minute they stop, so does the weight loss and here comes the pounds again.
Changing my food lifestyle has been by far the best choice I've ever made. When I stopped wrapping my head around the need to loose the weight and focused on the fact that if I didn't change the way I thought and how I ate I would die before my time. No longer concentrating on the scale.
As people and a society I believe now with all my heart that we make life much harder than it has to be. I've always said " life is so precious and I don't want to waste one moment on trivial things." What an wonderful thing to realize just what that means to my very core.
So for once in my life I can say this is the proudest 25 pounds I've ever lost. I'm sure people will want to know how I am doing this so I'll share a bit more and hopefully it may help someone else. First off I eliminated ALL meat. Yes I still eat cheese and eggs and I guess I admittedly always will. As I have mentioned before. I do believe in animal rights however I did not become a "vegetarian" or "vegan" or semi vegetarian for that purpose, I did this for myself and my personal health. As time goes by I have begun introducing fish.
This was written back in Sept 2011. I had been a vegetarian along time before this I just had not been "rebel vegan" til Sept.

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